Massage assists in promoting blood and lymph flow, removing wastes and creating space for fresh nutrients and oxygen to nurture us on a cellular level. It can also assist you to relax any tension and create a space to unwind.
I provide relaxation massage and may use essential oils (aromatherapy) to aid in relaxation and assist with any current issues you may have.
For specific issues I may utilize various remedial massage techniques including lymphatic drainage, acupressure, trigger point therapy and other techniques such as reflexology and healing touch.
I work with you to plan a session that's right for you.
Acupressure Hand and Foot Patterns for Disease Prevention
This is a component of a course which has been developed by Annette Reilly (Ireland), kinesiologist and acupressure expert. Annette specialises in neuroenergetic kinesiology and trained in Northern Ireland and Austria. In August 2015, Annette gained recognition with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists for her acupressure courses.
Acupressure assists with rebalancing, reducing fatigue, reducing muscle tension and supports all body functions.
I use hand placements as well as working specifically on your hands and feet. There are also various hand and foot holds which you can continue to do between sessions to enhance the therapeutic effect.
For more information or to make an enquiry contact Suzanne today!!